A Little Noise Can Destroy Your Life
You didn’t say what you think you did! More communication is not the solution. Better communication is better. Learn to eliminate communication noise.
Words are Noisy, Nasty Things
You speak and believe you are understood. In all likelihood, you are misunderstood. Words are tricky. Use these pointers to improve your communication.
Color Your World
Notice what colors others choose. What does that person communicate when he or she chooses clothing or decorating colors? What does the logo’s color say?
No Words Tell All
Here are a few pointers to help you master nonverbal communication. No less than 65% of every message, nv mastery is required to communicate effectively.
Melody Roads
Imagine my excitement at discovering MUSICAL ROADS. A musical road turns your automobile into a stylus: Like a needle on a grooved, pressed vinyl record.
Intelligencism: Bias Against Smart People
So, when you fail to label and celebrate the intelligent, when you mock and degrade us, you commit intelligentism and sentence humanity to extinction.
Down with Duality: Save the Children
Dichotomous reasoning (black and white thinking or duality) is a dangerous cognitive bias resulting in erroneous decisions.
Do You Know More than a Fifth Grader? No One Cares.
Regurgitation, memorization, and recitation of information is not intelligence. Intelligent people creatively solve problems.
Go Fu&k Up
Failure is not a person – it’s an event. We only learn when we fail. To succeed in life, embrace failure and all it teaches you.
Introverts May or May Not be Shy
Introverts may or may not be shy. But it’s still none of your business. Private observers of life and living, understand the world of introverts.
The Path to Deepest Meaning
Your voice is a powerful tool to infuse your words with emotion and deeper meaning. Use these simple exercises to improve your delivery!
The Organ of the Soul
We don’t appreciate the power of the voice. With focus and practice,
you can master the power of your voice and sway your audience!