The Number One Way to Win in Life: Communication Competence

Communication competence is key to success and happiness. The basics of communication are easy to master – Fill this hole in your education in five minutes!
Violate Expectations to Make New Friends

Violate others’ expectations – but only if you are already liked! Burgoon’s Expectancy Violation Theory can help you make friends.
A Little Noise Can Destroy Your Life

You didn’t say what you think you did! More communication is not the solution. Better communication is better. Learn to eliminate communication noise.
Words are Noisy, Nasty Things

You speak and believe you are understood. In all likelihood, you are misunderstood. Words are tricky. Use these pointers to improve your communication.
No Words Tell All

Here are a few pointers to help you master nonverbal communication. No less than 65% of every message, nv mastery is required to communicate effectively.
Gaining an Edge with 2023 Consumer Trends

I’ve read several consumer reports to discover how to help my clients rock their marketing efforts – so I thought I would share them with you. We should begin with the umbrella principles for today’s marketing arena: Personalize content and emotionally connect with your audience. To personalize, you must first: Know thy audience. You must speak to your audience in a way that appeals to them. If you’re Harley Davidson, you’re not posting images of pretty tea parties! You must speak to your people. According to the 2023 Consumer Trends Index, irrelevant content annoys 49% of consumers. Give your people what they want (not what you think they want). I’m reminded of a communication theory: Communication Accommodation. You want to communicate with another person in a way he or she understands and appreciates. You don’t, for example, chat it up when arguing a case in front of a judge. Or write a conversational piece for sophisticated investors. But you don’t want a law review article style piece if you’re selling makeup! If you don’t know your audience – what they like, what they do, where they are hanging out – you have some work to do! Second: Connect with thy audience. Romance them. The world of place it and forget it for marketing and advertising is long gone. And, I laugh here, the world of logical appeals is dead (for the masses, anyway). You must – must – evoke an emotional response that results in a conversation. Consider clicks, comments, follows, shares, and, ultimately, purchases, as feedback. If you send out content and hear crickets, your communication failed. No conversation. That’s bad. And once that audience member sends feedback, you must engage: Thank them, reach out, send an offer. Keep it going! Now, the nitty-gritty. What should you do to increase your marketing impact? (AKA be profitable) Email is the most cost-effective and powerful channel. If you do one thing this year, work on building and nurturing your email list. But never cast and blast. Return to the umbrella principles: Know your market and know what they want to hear. Give your audience value. Mobile is the tool. 55% of consumers use their phone to read content and to research purchases. Not only should your content – including your website – be mobile responsive, but also every piece of content you offer should be mobile accessible. If you would like help to implement these findings, reach out. Because you have enough to do without dealing with this tech crap.
Tarot Decoded

A Unique Path to Mastering Tarot. Become a Tarot Master in just a few short weeks! Welcome to Tarot Decoded. This unique approach, created by Master Tarot reader and researcher, Professor Christy Schmidt, will have you reading Tarot like an expert. Intense and detailed examination of each card – including historical background and psychological uses. Tons of exercises and activities! Finally understand the historic symbolism – and potential – of the Major and Minor Arcana. And, using an innovative process, never need to consult a book for a card meaning again. You will not only become a pro-reader, but also you will also master visualization, dream manifestation, coaching and personality analysis techniques.
No Words: Mastering Nonverbal Communication

Did you know that nonverbal communication is over 60 percent of everything you say? That’s right. The words you say mean very little when others are interpreting your every move. You are also interpreting others, often incorrectly. The definitive, modern guide to nonverbal communication, No Words, will not only teach you every aspect but also will guide you through an expert course so you can master reading others and creating your own nonverbal signals. Written by successful attorney and professor, Christy A, Schmidt, No Words will help you become a highly-skilled communicator able to improve your relationships and enhance your career. This is the text to give you the communication confidence you desire! Learn the science behind each category of nonverbal communication, how to mindfully read others, and how to use nonverbal signals to create the image you want to project.
Talk It Out: Mastering Critical Discourse

TALK IT OUT: MASTERING CRITICAL DISCOURSE introduces an innovative approach for mastering critical thinking and public presentation. Unlike mainstream public speaking texts, TALK IT OUT explores miscommunication distortions and biases and provides metacognition methods to overcome those barriers. Ideal for public speaking, forensics, and moot court instruction, the text ensures students confidently master civil and effective discourse. Key point summaries provide focus and periodic quizzes confirm theoretical comprehension. Chapter exercises range from complex individual and group projects to straightforward reflection questions. Contemporary incorporated videos, photos, and reference readings inspire exploration.