The Author and Her Lover’s Hands

A fine artist and an author marry. How do they navigate such a relationship. We have agreed to our open marriage. My husband, our lovers, and me.
If You’re a Creative, 14 Friends to Cut Loose — And 1 to Keep

There are 14 enemies of creative people. Cut these people loose – and keep the friend who qualifies under the new paradigm.
30 Quick Ideas to Spark Creativity

Creatives get stuck. Writer’s block? Hovering pencil? Haven’t pressed the shutter in weeks? Here are 30 ideas to get you going again.
(Don’t) Stop Acting Like a Child

Adulting is overrated and destroys creativity. Here’s how to recapture your childlike wonder, playfulness, joy, and willingness to take risks.
Connecting Strangers: Artist Beatrice Shoff

Artist Beatrice Shoff’s emotional, faceless paintings represent women of all ages, races, and experiences. Try to not see yourself!
Reject Rejection! Writers Wanted

If you’re a creative, you must learn to reject rejection as subjective feedback. One person’s trash is another’s treasure. Keep doing you.
Greatness, Mediocrity and Glorious Defeat

Artists and creatives: forget perfect. Perfectionism is an unattainable delusion that will keep you from achieving greatness.
Calculated Use of Color

Creatives should appreciate the nonverbal impact of color. Color communicates. Cultural and universal associations are important.
Burying the Ashes of Hollywood

It’s Time to End Hollywood’s Undue Influence
Color My World

Text & Workbook How does color affect you? You would be surprised! Did you realize that color is a powerful nonverbal communication device? Advertisers do. Doctors do. Psychologists do. You should, too. Based on years of research and compilation of the most recent research findings, Color My World is an exploration of the scientific – and not so scientific – ways color influences our bodies, spirits and minds. Learn about the historical significance of color across cultures – and gain an understanding of what specific colors communicate to you. Understand how biology, culture and socialization – even the words we choose – give color meaning beyond wavelength and frequency. How can you use color to change your life? Color communicates – and you can learn the language!
F*#k Me! Culture

Creatives need to expand the canon of our sex-obsessed culture.