
Dancer in blurred motion

How does analyzing poetry inspire writers? I wrote this piece in 1994 after a university education almost killed the artist inside me. I hope you enjoyed it.

You Didn’t Win Shit

Frog on plant with words: I've been thinking and probably should stop.

Why do sports fans, who are characteristically watching from the stands or the sidelines or the couch, insistent on asserting personal glory?

Record This, Dumb Ass

Monochrome classroom from lecture desk looking out into lecture hall

Nothing is more rewarding than watching a student learn. But my enthusiasm is waning. It’s taken me twenty years to conclude my effort is madness.

Prove It

Close up of a magnifying glass

I hold my breath. I have to. If I let it out, it will carry unpleasant words. “Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.”

All Hail the Social Media Police

The back of a man bound by barbed wire at the edge of the ocean

Beware the social media police. Be careful what you say – or what you think – in this dystopian future resulting from our present day misguided lives.

Throw it Away

Black and white close up of a hand tossing sand.

Our world solution to dispose, discard, destroy is dangerous. Consumerism has led us to embrace a disposable mindset.We have to assess and adjust.

Introverts May or May Not be Shy

A man in silhouette before a large, arched window.

Introverts may or may not be shy. But it’s still none of your business. Private observers of life and living, understand the world of introverts.

Moments of Humanity

View of earth from sky through globe glass

Our differences are window dressing. In our assertion of identity we fail to appreciate that humans share so many experiences.

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